
Winstrol 25

(2 customer reviews)


Winstrol 25
  • Gain Lean Muscle Mass
  • Achieve High-Quality Strength and Muscle Gains
  • Elevate Muscular Firmness and Vascularity
Winstrol, a prominent brand in the realm of anabolic compounds, is renowned for its exceptional capacity to foster lean muscle growth. Upon commencing Winstrol usage, individuals typically experience a rapid increase in muscular firmness and vascularity. Unlike some other anabolic substances, Winstrol does not undergo conversion into estrogen. Consequently, users can safely administer higher daily doses of Winstrol without encountering the undesirable side effects associated with excessive estrogen levels. This characteristic makes Winstrol a preferred choice among athletes who aspire to optimize their muscle mass, strength, and performance while steering clear of bloating and unwanted fat accumulation. Furthermore, Winstrol exhibits a noteworthy ability to synergistically enhance muscle growth when combined with other products. Winstrol® under its brand name, has been discontinued in the United States. However, generic alternatives are still accessible.
Winstrol 25
  • Gain Lean Muscle Mass
  • Achieve High-Quality Strength and Muscle Gains
  • Elevate Muscular Firmness and Vascularity
Winstrol, a prominent brand in the realm of anabolic compounds, is renowned for its exceptional capacity to foster lean muscle growth. Upon commencing Winstrol usage, individuals typically experience a rapid increase in muscular firmness and vascularity. Unlike some other anabolic substances, Winstrol does not undergo conversion into estrogen. Consequently, users can safely administer higher daily doses of Winstrol without encountering the undesirable side effects associated with excessive estrogen levels. This characteristic makes Winstrol a preferred choice among athletes who aspire to optimize their muscle mass, strength, and performance while steering clear of bloating and unwanted fat accumulation. Furthermore, Winstrol exhibits a noteworthy ability to synergistically enhance muscle growth when combined with other products. Winstrol® under its brand name, has been discontinued in the United States. However, generic alternatives are still accessible.

Please note that these claims have not undergone evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.

Supplementary Details:
  • 50 tablets, each containing 25mg.
  • Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 320/30.
  • Half-life: Approximately 9 hours.
  • Suggested Dosage for Men: A range of 25-75mg per day.
  • Optimal Cycle Duration for Men: 6-8 weeks.
  • Suggested Dosage for Women: A range of 5-15mg per day.
  • Optimal Cycle Duration for Women: 6-8 weeks.
  • Frequently Combined with: Testosterone, Masteron, Trenbolone, Equipoise.
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What is Winstrol?

Winstrol stands as one of the most renowned and widely recognized anabolic steroids globally. Its origins trace back to the late 1950s, offering both oral and injectable formulations. The potency of oral and injectable Winstrol remains identical, diverging only in their absorption rates. The oral variant boasts a half-life of 9 hours, while its injectable counterpart extends to 24 hours. The preference has tilted towards the oral form due to the injectable version’s notoriety for causing discomfort during administration as a water-based suspension. Both iterations maintain FDA approval due to their versatility in therapeutic applications.

Stanozolol, derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), assumes the role of an anabolic androgenic steroid, incorporating a methyl group addition to safeguard the hormone post-administration. This modification formally classifies Stanozolol as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid. Winstrol distinguishes itself by offering a more pronounced anabolic-to-androgenic effect compared to testosterone, with a ratio of 320/30.
In contrast to numerous anabolic steroids primarily used for bulking, Winstrol finds its niche in enhancing physique, athletic performance, and strength. It emerges as a relatively mild anabolic steroid suitable for both men and women. Notably, it has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in various performance enhancement pursuits. As a cutting anabolic steroid, it yields swift results, sculpting a chiseled physique within days. This attribute makes it a steadfast choice among competitive bodybuilders and athletes focused on physique aesthetics. Despite potential adverse effects on the liver, cholesterol, and joints, Winstrol garners favor among novice steroid users due to its rapid action. Women, in particular, favor it in lower doses for its capacity to deliver moderate, lean muscle gains, facilitating toning without excessive bulking.
Winstrol bestows a plethora of advantages, including:
  • Facilitating fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.
  • Amplifying strength, speed, endurance, and power without unwanted bulk.
  • Rapidly achieving a sculpted, lean physique.
  • Enhancing muscle hardness without retaining excess water.
  • Elevating vascularity.
  • Averting estrogen conversion.
  • Augmenting nitrogen retention.
  • Elevating protein synthesis.
The Science

A recent study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology shed light on the remarkable effectiveness of the oral prohormone 1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one, which metabolizes in the liver into 1-Testosterone. This prohormone demonstrated milligram-for-milligram potency comparable to Testosterone Enanthate, renowned as the gold standard among Testosterone products. It is worth noting that very few dietary supplements have undergone rigorous clinical examination. Nevertheless, the active prohormone 1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one underwent clinical scrutiny at West Texas A&M University, California Baptist University, and the University of Texas at Austin. The research findings revealed that 1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one exhibited significantly greater potency than its structural characteristics might suggest.

In this study, nine male participants experienced an average gain of 10.4 pounds in lean muscle mass, accompanied by a remarkable strength increase of 92.2 pounds in total load during bench presses, squats, and deadlifts. These gains are particularly noteworthy considering that they resulted from a prohormone. The researchers concluded that this prohormone supplement contributed substantially to enhancing muscle mass and strength in resistance-trained individuals. While additional studies are necessary to firmly establish the efficacy of this compound, it is safe to say that 1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one packs a potent punch.

1-Testosterone offers the advantage of promoting clean and lean gains, minimizing water retention and estrogenic effects. This unique characteristic often leads individuals to stack this steroid with compounds like 4-andro or other “wet” options, which complement the gains and enhance cycle comfort. 1-Testosterone™ facilitates sustainable gains and significantly boosts strength, making it an appealing choice for those seeking optimal results.

Recommended Dosage

The recommended dosage of Winstrol varies based on an individual’s experience level and objectives. To mitigate concerns related to liver toxicity, it is advisable to opt for the injectable form when considering higher doses. Typically, a Winstrol cycle spans 6-8 weeks. Regardless of gender, it is crucial not to extend the cycle beyond 8 weeks due to potential liver toxicity and its impact on cholesterol levels.

For male athletes, the typical dosage ranges from 25-75mg per day. Although doses of 100mg per day are not uncommon among more dedicated bodybuilders, users should exercise caution as higher doses can entail adverse effects.
Female athletes should aim for a suitable dosage within the range of 5-15mg per day. Women often achieve impressive results even with lower doses, making it advisable to commence with 5mg per day and gradually increase if desired results are not attained. Most women can tolerate up to 10mg per day without encountering harmful side effects.

Please bear in mind that it is imperative to consult with a medical professional before commencing any new medication regimen.


Winstrol exhibits remarkable versatility, making it compatible with a wide array of anabolic steroids. While it finds a place in almost any cutting regimen, its application in bulking cycles is relatively infrequent. For men, employing a solitary Winstrol cycle is discouraged due to its potential adverse impacts on joint health and testosterone suppression. To mitigate these drawbacks, it is advisable to incorporate at least one testosterone variant into the cycle. It is common to combine Winstrol with Trenbolone, Equipoise, and Masteron in male cycles.

In contrast, women can often manage a Winstrol-only cycle more comfortably than men, thanks to the lower recommended dosage. Many women opt to stack it with Anavar to achieve more pronounced and dramatic outcomes.

Winstrol Side Effects Explained
Liver Concerns
Winstrol ranks among the most hepatotoxic anabolic steroids, primarily because it is administered orally and is c-17 alpha-alkylated. This characteristic necessitates liver processing before it becomes active, placing an additional burden on the organ.
In the short term, this can result in inflammation and elevated ALT/AST enzyme levels. In cases of compromised liver function or excessive Winstrol use, the risk of cirrhosis increases.
Many bodybuilders at our clinic have successfully mitigated ALT/AST enzyme elevation by incorporating liver support supplements, such as those containing tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) at a dose of 500mg/day during their cycle. TUDCA is an FDA-approved treatment for various cholestatic liver diseases.
Cholesterol Changes
Winstrol use is associated with a significant increase in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and a decrease in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, leading to elevated blood pressure and an increased risk of myocardial infarction. This cardiovascular side effect is particularly pronounced in oral steroids like Winstrol, which stimulate hepatic lipase in the liver, further reducing HDL cholesterol levels.
Moreover, the absence of estrogenic conversion can exacerbate blood pressure issues, as estrogen typically has a positive impact on cholesterol levels.
Our patients have effectively managed cholesterol alterations by supplementing with fish oil (4-5g/day) and implementing regular cardiovascular exercise to prevent excessive blood pressure elevation. However, the risk of cardiac damage may also depend on individual genetics and susceptibility to heart disease.
Joint Discomfort
Winstrol’s diuretic effect results in a leaner appearance by reducing extracellular fluid, revealing muscle definition. However, this diuretic effect can lead to reduced joint cushioning, which can be especially discomforting for older individuals using steroids.
In contrast to Deca Durabolin, which can enhance joint health by increasing synovial fluid production, Winstrol may not provide this benefit. Therefore, individuals using Winstrol for cutting may benefit from incorporating Deca Durabolin into their off-season bulking stacks to safeguard their joint health in the long term.
Testosterone Suppression
Like other anabolic steroids, Winstrol disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA), resulting in the suppression of endogenous testosterone production. While this is generally a short-term side effect, the potency of Winstrol can lead to extended periods of low testosterone levels, lasting for weeks or even months after discontinuing the cycle.
Low testosterone levels can result in decreased well-being, reduced sexual function, and testicular atrophy. Therefore, bodybuilders under our care frequently utilize post-cycle therapy (PCT) to expedite the recovery of their testosterone production.
Common PCT medications for treating hypogonadism include Nolvadex, Clomid, and hCG. For single-steroid cycles, Nolvadex or Clomid is often sufficient, but all three medications can be combined if a potent stack has been used. hCG is primarily used to restore sperm production, rather than solely for recovering endogenous testosterone.
Acne and Hair Loss
Winstrol, being a DHT-derivative, has the potential to stimulate sebaceous glands and clog pores due to increased sebum production. However, its androgenic properties are milder compared to other steroids like Dianabol and Testosterone, making severe acne a less common side effect in our experience.
DHT levels rise on Winstrol, which can accelerate hair thinning or recession on the scalp. While bodybuilders predisposed to male pattern baldness may experience noticeable hair loss, this side effect is generally not overly dramatic for most users.
Virilization in Women
Moderate doses of Winstrol can lead to masculinization in women due to its low affinity for sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which increases free testosterone levels dramatically. Therefore, Winstrol is generally not a suitable choice for women who wish to maintain feminine characteristics.
An exception to this is when very low doses of Winstrol are used, in which cases we have observed females completing cycles without significant side effects. However, such protocols are unlikely to match the results achievable with more female-friendly steroids like Anavar.

Note: The severity of Winstrol’s side effects varies based on individual genetics, dosage, cycle length, training regimen, and diet. To minimize side effects, men should not exceed 25mg/day for more than 6 weeks. Additionally, stacking Winstrol with other anabolic steroids tends to worsen its side effects.

Usage and Dosage


Side Effects

2 reviews for Winstrol 25

  1. Liam

    Easy to use and incorporate into my routine.

  2. Sidney

    Fantastic customer service, very helpful.

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