(3 customer reviews)


Turinabol, scientifically referred to as Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, stands as a potent oral anabolic steroid extensively embraced by athletes, weightlifters, and bodybuilders. This particular compound holds the distinction of being the sole anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) specifically designed for non-medicinal purposes. Turinabol, a 4-chloro-substituted derivative of metandienone (dehydromethyltestosterone), is favored for its ability to facilitate muscle preparation and enhance athletic prowess. The widespread utilization of Turinabol among athletes is a well-documented phenomenon, with numerous websites and blogs dedicated to discussing its prominent role in sports performance enhancement.
Turinabol, scientifically referred to as Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, stands as a potent oral anabolic steroid extensively embraced by athletes, weightlifters, and bodybuilders. This particular compound holds the distinction of being the sole anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) specifically designed for non-medicinal purposes. Turinabol, a 4-chloro-substituted derivative of metandienone (dehydromethyltestosterone), is favored for its ability to facilitate muscle preparation and enhance athletic prowess. The widespread utilization of Turinabol among athletes is a well-documented phenomenon, with numerous websites and blogs dedicated to discussing its prominent role in sports performance enhancement.
What is Turinabol (TBol)?

Oral Turinabol stands out as a fascinating and distinctive anabolic steroid with significant potential benefits. It is a derivative of the testosterone compound, tweaked to deliver potent anabolic effects while minimizing androgenic traits. Specifically, it arises from a fusion of Methandrostenolone and Clostebol, resulting in a compound known as 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. It officially falls under the category of C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic androgenic steroids. Due to its chemical structure, Turinabol is often colloquially referred to as ‘baby Dbol’ in bodybuilding circles, as it possesses less pronounced anabolic and androgenic properties than its progenitor.

Turinabol was initially developed to enhance the performance of swimmers and gymnasts, leading to remarkable achievements in medal counts and world records. Presently, it is also favored by fighters, baseball players, weightlifters, and sprinters, with Jon Jones being the most prominent athlete discovered with Turinabol metabolites in his system. Noteworthy attributes of Turinabol encompass increased endurance, stamina, strength, and enhanced recovery. Furthermore, this steroid’s ability to amplify the effects of other concurrently used steroids is particularly noteworthy. While it can yield moderate, lean muscle gains, Turinabol is typically utilized as a supplementary compound in steroid cycles, regardless of the desired goal. Whether one seeks substantial muscle gains or a cutting phase, Turinabol can complement a cycle, optimizing the benefits of other steroids while keeping their dosages lower. It serves as an excellent alternative for those who prefer to avoid the bloating associated with Dianabol but still aim for moderate size and strength gains.

Oral Turinabol made its debut in 1962, courtesy of Jenapharm in East Germany. Over the decades, this steroid maintained a remarkable safety profile, suitable not only for men but also for women and children in therapeutic contexts. It proved highly effective in promoting or preserving lean muscle and bone mass without causing severe complications. Undoubtedly, this steroid offered direct advantages to athletes, leading to its illicit use by elite Olympic athletes. When this misuse was uncovered, Jenapharm ceased production of the product in 1994. Since then, Oral Turinabol has never been manufactured by a legitimate pharmaceutical company, existing solely as an underground black-market anabolic steroid.

  • Improved Muscular Definition
  • Increased Physical Strength
  • Efficient Fat Reduction
  • Absence of Estrogenic Side Effects
  • Mild Androgenic Impact
Turinabol is favored for its moderate anabolic properties and minimal water retention, making it an ideal choice for individuals looking to shed excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass, especially during calorie restriction.
Furthermore, Turinabol facilitates the reduction of subcutaneous fat deposits, akin to other anabolic steroids, owing to its exogenous testosterone-like characteristics, which contribute to a decrease in adipose tissue.
One notable advantage of Turinabol is its non-estrogenic nature, attributed to the 4-chloro modification of clostebol. This characteristic ensures that concerns related to gynecomastia or fluid retention are virtually non-existent.

Moreover, Turinabol exhibits a low androgenic rating of zero, making occurrences of acne vulgaris, androgenic alopecia (hair loss), and benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement) exceptionally rare in our experience.

Turinabol is commonly employed as a bulking agent for novice users, facilitating the accrual of more than 15 pounds of lean muscle. However, its capacity to yield substantial hypertrophic gains diminishes among experienced steroid users.

Turinabol is not the ideal choice for individuals seeking remarkable mass gains, as its anabolic rating stands at a modest 54. If sheer size is the primary objective, we have identified Testosterone, Anadrol, Trenbolone, and Dianabol as more potent alternatives.
According to Dr. Thomas O’Connor, Turinabol may exhibit greater potency than Anavar but falls short of the effects seen with Winstrol in terms of altering body composition.
Typically, results from Turinabol manifest gradually and consistently due to its extended half-life of 16 hours, which is twice as long as Winstrol and approximately 50% longer than Anavar.
As a result, Turinabol is not the kind of oral steroid that rapidly spikes in the bloodstream, leading to swift muscle gains or fat loss. Instead, it necessitates more protracted cycles for the drug to accumulate in a user’s system.

In addition to its muscle-building potential, Turinabol is also renowned for its profound impact on strength. A 1973 report revealed that a daily dose of 10mg administered to a female shot put athlete resulted in a 2-meter increase in her throwing distance within 11 weeks. Several of our patients have similarly experienced exceptional strength gains while using Turinabol.

Side Effects
Masculinization Effects:

Despite Turinabol having a zero androgenic rating, it possesses the potential to induce virilization effects in women. Notably, this masculinization phenomenon was observable during the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal when East German female swimmers exhibited conspicuous traits such as broader shoulders and deeper voices. The gradual increase in Turinabol dosages over the course of a decade could be one explanation for the delayed onset of these effects. Additionally, starting in the early 1970s, many female athletes began using other virilizing steroids like testosterone esters and Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin). Some athletes declined such treatment, as these compounds were administered via injections, which are less discreet than oral administration. It is challenging to precisely gauge Turinabol’s virilization potential in women due to concurrent usage of other steroids by East German athletes. Nevertheless, when used cautiously in modest dosages, Turinabol generally appears to be well-tolerated by females, as indicated by its initially imperceptible effects during the initial years of use.
Liver Health:
In our observations, Turinabol does lead to elevated liver stress enzyme markers, such as AST (aspartate aminotransferase) and ALT (alanine aminotransferase), mainly due to its status as a c-17 alpha-alkylated steroid, which necessitates liver processing. However, our findings suggest that Turinabol’s hepatotoxicity is typically mild, and it is generally well-tolerated. Nonetheless, users should not become complacent and employ Turinabol in extended cycles (beyond 8 weeks) to avoid potential risks of liver failure and jaundice. Dr. Thomas O’Connor encountered a patient who used Turinabol in isolation for approximately 1-2 years, under the assumption of its safety, given its historical prescription to East German athletes in the 60s and 70s. This individual developed peliosis hepatis, a serious vascular condition characterized by blood-filled cysts on the liver, requiring surgical intervention for partial liver removal to facilitate recovery.
Cholesterol Levels:
Turinabol is associated with a reduction in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, resulting in a mild-to-moderate increase in blood pressure. This adverse impact on blood lipids is a common occurrence when using any anabolic steroid. However, oral steroids typically exhibit greater cardiovascular strain in our research, attributed to their stimulation of the hepatic lipase enzyme in the liver, leading to more pronounced cholesterol fluctuations. Individuals with pre-existing hypertension or a family history of heart disease should exercise caution when considering anabolic steroid use. To mitigate the risk of hypertension while on Turinabol, regular cardiovascular exercise and daily supplementation with 4 grams of fish oil during the cycle have proven effective. This approach helps enhance endothelial function and reduce arterial plaque buildup.
Testosterone Suppression:

All anabolic steroids elevate exogenous testosterone levels while diminishing endogenous (natural) production to varying degrees. The extent of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis suppression largely depends on the potency of the steroid and the dosages administered. Turinabol, when used in isolation, induces a moderate decrease in natural testosterone production, similar to Anavar. However, this suppression may intensify when Turinabol is combined with other steroids. To expedite the recovery of natural testosterone levels post-cycle, our patients undergo a post-cycle therapy (PCT). Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as Clomiphene (Clomid) and Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) have proven effective in restoring male hormone levels. Typically, patients take 30mg of Nolvadex daily and/or 100mg of Clomid daily for approximately 30 days. If an individual is running a Turinabol-only cycle, one SERM may suffice post-cycle. However, if Turinabol is stacked with other suppressive anabolic agents, two SERMs may be administered concurrently. In more aggressive PCT protocols, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) may be included, with 2,000 IU of hCG administered every other day for 20 days, offering benefits in addressing testicular atrophy and promoting spermatogenesis.

This steroid’s dosing should be carefully tailored not only to your specific goals but also to its compatibility with other compounds in your cycle. It is known to augment their effectiveness by inhibiting the binding of testosterone, thus freeing up those other compounds for more efficient utilization by the body. Generally, a relatively low Tbol dose can achieve this objective. Regardless of the chosen dosage, it’s crucial to limit usage to a maximum of 8 weeks due to potential risks to liver health.

For beginners and first-time TBol users, significant benefits can be experienced with as little as 15-30mg per day while minimizing androgenic side effects. Most users will find a dose range of 30-50mg per day to be more suitable. At this dosage, users can expect to gain some muscle mass and strength, with improved endurance and recovery, all while minimizing the risk of androgenic effects. While some extremely advanced users may venture up to 80mg per day, this should be approached with the utmost caution. During a cutting cycle, the most commonly employed dose is 40mg per day to preserve lean muscle tissue.

NOTE: Always remember to consult your doctor before commencing any new medication.

Turinabol possesses a unique characteristic, as it has the capacity to bind with the SHBG protein, thus preventing testosterone from attaching to it. This action liberates more testosterone to circulate freely in the body, resulting in enhanced efficiency. This particular quality of Turinabol is particularly appealing to bodybuilders, as it can act as a potent support agent, optimizing the effectiveness of more potent steroids such as Deca-Durabolin or even testosterone alone. When combined with other compounds, Turinabol facilitates superior results, eliminating the need to increase dosages due to its ability to enhance efficiency and reduce wastage through SHBG binding.

The most common combinations involving TBol include testosterone and various nandrolone esters like Deca Durabolin and NPP. However, other compounds such as Trenbolone and Equipoise may also be incorporated into these regimens.

Usage and Dosage


Side Effects

3 reviews for TBOL 25

  1. Earnest

    Increased strength and muscle mass.

  2. Dylan

    Impressive gains in a short time.

  3. Tyler

    The shipping was fast but the product didn’t have much effect.

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