M1T (Methyl-1-testosterone) 10

(5 customer reviews)


M1T (Methyl-1-testosterone) 10
Methyl-1-Testosterone (commonly known as M1T or methyldihydroboldenone) is a methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an anabolic steroid originally developed to address testosterone deficiency in males.

Initially introduced as a sports nutrition supplement and widely available in stores before the 2010 prohormone ban, M1T belongs to the category of potent oral steroids, comparable to substances like superdrol, dbol, and anadrol.
M1T (Methyl-1-testosterone) 10
Methyl-1-Testosterone (commonly known as M1T or methyldihydroboldenone) is a methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an anabolic steroid originally developed to address testosterone deficiency in males.

Initially introduced as a sports nutrition supplement and widely available in stores before the 2010 prohormone ban, M1T belongs to the category of potent oral steroids, comparable to substances like superdrol, dbol, and anadrol.

While it is indeed a formidable option, there are even more potent choices currently accessible in the market. Nonetheless, M1T remains a popular choice due to its relatively lower risk of adverse effects and a more affordable price point. Furthermore, it serves as a suitable entry point for individuals new to the realm of anabolic steroids, as some of the more robust alternatives may prove overwhelming for beginners.

Chemical Composition: C20H30O2

Producer: Various Manufacturers
Optimal Dosage for Men: 20-40 mg daily
Recommended Dosage for Women: Discouraged
Biological Half-Life: 5 Hours
Detection Period: Undetermined

Anabolic-to-Androgenic Ratio: 910-1600/100-220

Methyl-1-Testosterone (17alpha methyl-17beta-hydroxyandrost-1-ene-3-one)
In 1962, the compound Methyl-1-Testosterone, commonly referred to as M1T, emerged as a subject of research during the vibrant era of steroid exploration in the 1960s. This period witnessed intensive investigations into a diverse array of anabolic agents, carried out by various pharmaceutical companies.

M1T exhibited a favorable anabolic-to-androgenic ratio, holding promise as a potential compound. However, like many other steroids of its time, it was not selected for pharmaceutical development. Only a select few agents received the necessary funding for comprehensive research and eventual market release.

Consequently, M1T remained dormant in medical literature for approximately four decades. Its resurgence occurred in 2003 when it was reintroduced as a dietary supplement in the United States.

M1T stands as a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes for inclusion in their supplementation regimen. Its primary appeal lies in its capacity to boost testosterone levels effectively. This product proves invaluable for those seeking rapid gains in lean muscle mass. In the realm of rigorous workouts and strict dietary regimens, maintaining commitment can be daunting. However, the allure of witnessing tangible results in a remarkably short timeframe eases this challenge.

Furthermore, the utilization of M1T yields an additional benefit in the form of heightened energy levels and increased strength. Such enhancements prove invaluable in surmounting demanding training sessions. By extending your endurance and preventing total exhaustion, M1T enables you to consistently push your physical boundaries. Additionally, it expedites the recovery process, allowing you to swiftly return to your training routine without lingering soreness.

Methyl-1-testosterone, also known as M1T, is a methylated form of the steroid 1-testosterone and is classified as a derivative of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Notably, M1T does not undergo conversion into either DHT or Estrogen. In terms of its anabolic potential, it ranks exceptionally high, with a range of 910-1600 percent in comparison to methyltestosterone, while its androgenic properties hover at 100 to 200 percent of methyltestosterone. However, it is crucial to be aware that M1T’s oral bioavailability comes at the cost of liver toxicity.

Typical dosages of M1T vary depending on an individual’s experience, ranging from 5 mg to 20 mg per day. Due to its formidable potency, it is strongly recommended not to exceed a cycle duration of two to four weeks. Many users prefer to initiate their usage at a lower dose and then adjust it based on their observed results and any potential side effects.

One noteworthy aspect of M1T is its remarkable capacity to facilitate substantial gains, often amounting to 15 to 20 pounds within a two-to-four-week cycle. Some users opt to stack M1T with injectable testosterone to maximize its effects.

Side Effects
The predominant adverse effect associated with M1T is pronounced lethargy, often leading users to experience fatigue throughout the day. This is the primary rationale behind many individuals opting for a daily dosage over 10 mg.

Additionally, another common side effect observed in numerous steroid compounds is an elevation in blood pressure. Other potential side effects include muscle cramps, depressive symptoms, hair loss, increased prostate size, headaches, insomnia, and reduced appetite. A positive aspect worth noting is that M1T does not undergo aromatization, thus eliminating the risk of estrogen-related side effects.

Dosage and Cycling
Determining the appropriate M1T dosage hinges on variables like body weight and concurrent stacking. Remarkably, you won’t require a substantial amount to witness significant results. A prudent starting point is 5 mg per day. It is advisable not to exceed 10 mg daily once you have ascertained your body’s tolerance.

The recommended duration for using M1T should be exceedingly brief, usually spanning between 2 to 4 weeks. Following a cycle, a minimum hiatus of 2 months is advisable before reintegrating it into your regimen.

PLEASE NOTE: Always consult your healthcare professional before commencing any new medication.

The half-life of M1T closely aligns with that of oral steroids, albeit slightly longer, falling within the range of 9 to 12 hours. Some individuals may perceive its true half-life to be 48 hours due to lingering effects after discontinuation. While it’s advisable to split the daily dosage into two, this may not be essential for everyone and can still be effective as needed.
M1T stands out as an exceptionally potent and potentially hazardous oral steroid. If your goal is to achieve significant muscle mass and enhanced strength, this compound can indeed deliver remarkable results. Additionally, it offers the advantage of minimal water retention. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the potential side effects of M1T can be quite challenging for even experienced users to endure.

Usage and Dosage


Side Effects

5 reviews for M1T (Methyl-1-testosterone) 10

  1. Eugene

    Unmatched performance enhancement.

  2. Tristan

    Received exactly what I ordered.

  3. Herbert

    Delivery was quick, but the product was not effective.

  4. Victor

    The customer service was helpful but the product was overpriced.

  5. Samuel

    Satisfied with the results, highly effective.

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