
Masteron Propionate 100

(3 customer reviews)


Masteron Propionate 100
Masteron, also referred to as Drostanolone Propionate, was originally developed by Syntax in 1959 as an oil-based anabolic androgenic steroid. Initially, it gained recognition as a therapeutic option for treating advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women over two consecutive decades. Subsequently, it gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes involved in speed sports, typically administered through intramuscular injection.

Derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), Masteron features a modification in the 2-methyl group at the 2nd carbon atom, enhancing its anabolic properties. In comparison to testosterone, which has an anabolic rating of 100, Masteron exhibits an anabolic rating of 62 and an androgenic rating of 25.

Masteron Propionate 100
Masteron, also referred to as Drostanolone Propionate, was originally developed by Syntax in 1959 as an oil-based anabolic androgenic steroid. Initially, it gained recognition as a therapeutic option for treating advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women over two consecutive decades. Subsequently, it gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes involved in speed sports, typically administered through intramuscular injection.

Derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), Masteron features a modification in the 2-methyl group at the 2nd carbon atom, enhancing its anabolic properties. In comparison to testosterone, which has an anabolic rating of 100, Masteron exhibits an anabolic rating of 62 and an androgenic rating of 25.

Steroid Profile
Trade Name: Drostanolone

Brand Name: Drostanolone, Masteril
Drug Class: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS)
Detection Time: 3 weeks
Active Half-Life: 2-3 days

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 62:25

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Benefits Of Masteron 100
  • Enhanced Energy and Stamina: Bodybuilders often grapple with low energy levels during competitions, leaving them feeling lethargic and fatigued. When used judiciously, Masteron mitigates these energy slumps and revs up metabolism, resulting in heightened energy and endurance.
  • Augmented Lean Muscle Mass: In comparison to other steroids such as Winstrol and Trenbolone, Masteron boasts potent attributes that swiftly foster the development of lean muscle mass.
  • Shielded Against Estrogenic Side Effects: Masteron remains impervious to aromatization, ensuring it does not convert into estrogen. Consequently, it avoids any undesirable anti-estrogenic effects like bloating, increased blood pressure, or water retention.
  • Ideal for Cutting Phases: Masteron not only facilitates muscle growth but also excels in cutting cycles. A multitude of bodybuilders rely on Masteron to attain a lean, chiseled, and muscular physique in preparation for their athletic competitions or contests.
Availability of Masteron
The original Masteron brand of Drostanolone Propionate is no longer in production, rendering anyone claiming to have Syntex Masteron as purveyors of counterfeit products. Furthermore, there is no U.S. pharmaceutical company producing Drostanolone in any formulation, and its availability on the global market is exceedingly limited. Nevertheless, this hormonal compound can be readily found on the black market. Mastabolin, a brand manufactured by Alpha Pharma, should be widely accessible in most markets. Underground laboratories such as Geneza, Biomex, QD Labs, and Generic Labs are prominent sources of this compound.

When contemplating a purchase from any underground lab, it is of utmost importance to thoroughly research both the lab and the supplier in question. Regardless of the specific lab, you will likely discover that Masteron is now relatively affordable in today’s market, which is a notable advantage compared to its previous status as a relatively expensive anabolic steroid.

Side Effects
Masteron stands out as a notably well-tolerated anabolic steroid, exhibiting a relatively favorable side effect profile. While it is not devoid of side effects, most men typically experience Masteron with a high degree of tolerance. In contrast, females may face potent virilization symptoms, but with prudent management, these effects can be mitigated effectively. In order to comprehensively understand the side effects associated with Masteron, we have categorized them below, accompanied by essential information.

1. Estrogenic Effects:
Masteron distinguishes itself by its inability to aromatize and its lack of progestin activity, rendering it incapable of inducing estrogenic side effects. Consequently, concerns such as gynecomastia and water retention are nonexistent. Moreover, the absence of excessive water retention eliminates the potential for high blood pressure. In most cases, the use of an anti-estrogen is unnecessary due to Masteron’s inherent anti-estrogenic properties. However, depending on the specific cycle or stack, an anti-estrogen may be advisable.
2. Androgenic Effects:
Masteron can engender androgenic side effects, including acne, accelerated hair loss in individuals predisposed to male pattern baldness, and increased body hair growth. Fortunately, despite its derivation from the potent androgen DHT (dihydrotestosterone), Masteron exhibits only moderate androgenic activity. Nonetheless, individual sensitivity plays a significant role, with Masteron being known to exacerbate male pattern baldness in sensitive individuals more than many other anabolic steroids.
It is noteworthy that the Drostanolone hormone is not metabolized by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Since Masteron is already a form of DHT, there is no need for reduction or metabolism. Consequently, the androgenic nature of Masteron remains largely unaffected by a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor such as Finasteride.
In women, Masteron’s androgenic nature can lead to virilization symptoms, including increased body hair growth, deepening of the voice, and clitoral enlargement. While these symptoms are more pronounced in breast cancer treatment, due to the necessity of high doses, they can be avoided with lower doses in a performance capacity. However, individual responses vary, making Masteron a secondary choice for female athletes. If virilization symptoms arise, immediate discontinuation is recommended to prevent irreversible effects.
3. Cardiovascular Effects:
Masteron significantly impacts cholesterol levels, elevating LDL cholesterol and reducing HDL cholesterol, with a more pronounced effect on the latter. Although its impact on cholesterol management is not as severe as many oral steroids, it surpasses that of Nandrolone compounds or testosterone. There is also a possibility of Masteron exerting a slight negative influence on blood pressure, though this is generally insignificant for most users.
Due to these cholesterol effects, meticulous cholesterol management is crucial when using Masteron. This necessitates not only a healthy diet but also one rich in omega fatty acids, low in saturated fats, and limited in simple sugars. Regular cardiovascular exercise is also advised.
4. Testosterone Suppression:
Masteron markedly suppresses natural testosterone production, making exogenous testosterone therapy imperative during its use. Neglecting to include exogenous testosterone can lead to a state of low testosterone, accompanied by various symptoms and detrimental health consequences.
Given that Masteron is commonly employed in cutting cycles, individuals may prefer to limit testosterone intake due to its potential for heightened estrogenic activity. In such cases, a low dose of 100-200mg per week of testosterone is generally sufficient to counter suppression and maintain adequate testosterone levels.
Upon discontinuation of Masteron and clearance of exogenous steroids from the system, natural testosterone production will gradually resume. Full restoration to pre-cycle levels will take several months, and Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is often recommended to expedite recovery. While a PCT plan accelerates recovery, it may not fully restore testosterone to peak levels, requiring additional time for natural recovery. It is essential to note that this assumes no pre-existing low testosterone condition and no damage to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) due to improper supplementation practices.
5. Hepatotoxicity:

Masteron does not exert hepatotoxicity, sparing the liver from any stress or damage.

Administration of Masteron
The typical dosage of Masteron for adult men generally falls within the range of 300-400mg per week. This typically translates to a 100mg injection every other day over a period of 6-8 weeks. It’s important to note that this timeframe doesn’t encompass the entire cycle, but it’s a common duration for incorporating Masteron into a stack. Some individuals may opt for daily injections, but every other day is usually sufficient. It’s worth mentioning that the Drostanolone Enanthate version is somewhat rare, and in such cases, 1-2 injections per week can suffice.

In the context of treating female breast cancer, the standard dosing regimen involves 100mg three times a week for a span of 8-12 weeks. This regimen can often lead to virilization symptoms that may be challenging to reverse. Nevertheless, the importance of battling cancer outweighs these potential side effects. For female athletes, a weekly dose of 50mg is typically adequate, spanning 4-6 weeks. Some women may tolerate higher doses, approaching 100mg per week if they respond well to the hormone. It’s important to emphasize that most women can manage doses within this range, but individual sensitivity must be taken into account. Doses exceeding 100mg per week or extending beyond 4-6 weeks are likely to induce virilization symptoms to some extent.

Usage and Dosage


Side Effects

3 reviews for Masteron Propionate 100

  1. Cliff

    Increased strength and muscle mass.

  2. Nathan

    Unmatched performance enhancement.

  3. Nathaniel

    Boosted energy levels, game-changer.

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